Saturday, June 5, 2010


Holy moly, day 12!! We are taking a much needed day off today.

But YESTERDAY. What a day! We tried to do work and did a bit...but realized we were pretty wiped out. So we took it easy with trashy TV before our meeting with our dramaturge Amy Lynn Strilchuk and designer Jed Tomlinson.

I'm not going to lie, I had not only never met either of them before, I've also never had a dramaturgical meeting before, so I really had no idea what to expect. It was incredibly helpful. They both gave us really solid input. For me, the read helped to illuminate where in the script I felt really comfortable and where I got lost, which is a great thing to discover. We also generated a ton of possible ideas/themes/metaphors to play around with. To be honest, there were points in the meeting where I began to feel incredibly overwhelmed by how much work we still need to do and how little time we have left before the read for Ignite. Thank God for Amy Lynn reminding us that we are not seeking to have a polished script by next Saturday, but instead are opening up our sketchbooks to an audience to show our process, to show where we are. She encouraged us to show what ever we like- if we need to omit scenes, do it. If we want to read things out of order, fine. If we have things that we are unsure of where they fit, but we like them, that's great too. So that encouragement and advice not only relieves the pressure, it also permits us to continue at the pace we have been working at without feeling a mad dash for a finish line. I hope to remember this when the stress of knowing we will be reading for a larger audience kicks in next week!

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